FAO in Georgia

FAO Representative in Georgia meets with Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture


FAO Representative in Georgia Mr. Raimund Jehle met with Ms. Nino Tandilashvili, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. They discussed ongoing projects and future cooperation with specific emphazis on climate finance and addressing the challenges for the environment and biodiversity.

The Deputy Minister stressed the importance of the partnership between FAO and the ministry and thanked FAO Representative for the efficient collaboration.

According to Mr. Jehle, FAO will continue its support to the country to ensure agricultural development, food safety improvement, food system transformation and reduction of agriculture’s impact on climate change.  

The sides reaffirmed their commitment to expanding old and launching new programmes related to climate smart agriculture, food production, and rural poverty reduction.

The meeting was attended by Mamuka Meskhi, Assistant FAO Representative in Georgia and heads of respective departments of the ministry.