FAO in Georgia

EU-Supported FAO training for Georgian olives and almonds producers


In May 2023, through the financial support of the European Union (EU) and in collaboration with the Rural Development Agency, FAO held theoretical and practical pieces of training for almond and olive producers in Kakheti and Tbilisi. Together with the Spanish expert Juan Olivares, the FAO team, composed of Georgian and international agronomists, assessed the olive and almond sectors and trained producers on good agricultural practices, advancing food safety and increasing the competitiveness of local producers.  

The EU-supported training series was planned following the results of the survey for Georgia’s olive and almond growers and touched on a wide variety of topics ranging from EU regulations in food safety for almond and olive production to multiple agronomic areas such as planting materials, plant protection, fertilisation, water requirements and orchard management. Another fundamental element which was part of the training programme was organic farming. Several trainings for olive and almond producers were held, with a total participation of 45 producers. 

The FAO team of Georgian and international agronomists also visited almond and olive orchards in the Eastern part of Georgia. During their visits, they evaluated the current production practices, provided technical advice to producers, and assessed some of the two sectors' strengths, challenges, and opportunities.

“The Georgian conditions for the production of olives and almonds are very favourable, and these sectors are growing rapidly and becoming more competitive. This is already the case for the almond sector, while olive production is less developed for the time being. However, to fully utilise this potential, farmers require to significantly improve their capacities in good agricultural practices. This is particularly important in relation to food safety standards as a part of the production of almonds will be dedicated to export. Together with the EU, we are glad to support the development of the olive and almond sectors”, said the FAO Programme Coordinator, Javier Sanz Alvarez.




The training series for almond and olive producers were held as part of the EU4Business Initiative “EU innovative action for private sector competitiveness in Georgia.” The EU-funded project aims to support Georgian entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector by improving their capacities while strengthening ties with the European Union.