FAO in Georgia

Reformation Model for Georgian Wine Sector


A model for the reformation of the Georgian wine sector was presented and discussed at a workshop held on December 16, 2016. The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), National Wine Agency (NWA) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) hosted the event held under the European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD), funded by the European Union.

In his welcoming speech Levan Davitashvili, the Minister of Agriculture, stressed the importance of and the need for reform in the governance of wine sector in Georgia.

"Despite the positive, healthy communication and cooperation between the state and the wine sector it is essential to foster a more balanced institutional relationship in the long run. I would like to express my gratitude to all participants engaged in the process of creating the management model in the wine industry, I would also like to thank the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization for it’s assistance.We intend to reach an agreement and formulate which will oversee state and private sector interests equally and private sector involvement will be more actual in every direction,” Levan Davitashvili said.

John Barker, FAO expert in wine industry and international wine law, delivered a presentation demonstrating models of private-public partnership governance specifically created for the Georgian wine sector. He offered membership, governance and funding options for a new wine institution, which will provide better coordination and planning across the public and private wine sectors in Georgia.

‘Foreign models cannot be directly replicated in Georgia. Therefore, we came up with special recommendations providing better harmony and better coordination among the Georgian wine institutions,’ Barker said.

A discussion for industry representatives followed the presentation. Further consideration of the optional models will lead to a possible adoption of the most optimal model for the new public-private partnership entity.