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EU ENPARD Programmes in Georgia and Moldova exchange experiences and lessons learned


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Representation in Georgia hosted a two-day visit of Moldovan delegates to Georgia to share information, recommendations and lessons learned while implementing the EU-funded projects under European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD).

Officials from the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia and the Ministries of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of both countries participated in an information exchange seminar hosted by FAO. Budget support, policy making, data collection and analysis, market information systems as well as different aspects of agricultural, rural and institutional development were areas of particular interest for Moldova as Georgia has experience in implementing relevant programmes under ENPARD.

FAO Assistant Representatives in Georgia and Moldova opened the event, highlighting the key results achieved since EU launched ENPARD in Georgia in 2013 and in Moldova in 2014.

“FAO has been involved in all the three phases of ENPARD in Georgia, and we have a valuable experience in assisting the national stakeholders in policy-making and capacity building, with a total budget of 16.7 million euro from the EU. We are glad to share our experience and expertise with the delegates from Moldova and, furthermore, learn about their proficiency,” said Mr. Mamuka Meskhi, FAO Assistant Representative in Georgia.

“Moldova is benefiting from the ENPARD programme and this significantly contributes to the development of agriculture and rural development.  In this sense, FAO dedicates consistent efforts to enhance the country’ capacities by sharing its expertise in this area and offering the opportunity for a comprehensive exchange of experience between Moldova and Georgia,” said Mr. Tudor Robu, FAO Assistant Representative in Moldova.

Speeches and presentations about ENPARD progress in Georgia and Moldova were delivered by the heads of departments and representatives of the Ministries of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia and Moldova. Each presentation was followed by discussions and Q&A sessions.

Mrs. Cristina Casella, Attaché and the Programme Manager of the EU Delegation to Georgia stressed the importance of such bilateral events. “Over the past years the EU, through the ENPARD programme, has provided substantial assistance to the governments of Georgia and Moldova to build the capacity of relevant institutions, improve policy-making and support effective implementation of innovative projects. We are glad that the two countries are exchanging their lessons learnt. This will be very valuable to build linkages and enhance the effectiveness of the programme in both countries,” Mrs. Casella said.

The event was followed by a field visit to Lagodekhi, Kakheti Region of Georgia where the European approach to rural development, the LAG/LEADER model, is being implemented with EU support. The Moldovan delegation met with the Lagodekhi Local Action Group, local people who contribute to the rural development process by forming partnerships at a sub-regional level between the public, private and civil sectors. The LEADER approach implemented under ENPARD is associated with local empowerment through local strategy development and resource allocation.

The European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD) has been implemented in Georgia since 2013, with a total budget of €179.5 million. Its first phase focused on developing the national agriculture potential, while the second and third phases aim to create economic opportunities for rural population that go beyond agricultural activities. More information on ENPARD is available at: www.enpard.ge.