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FAO and partners discuss seed certification system


FAO Representation in Georgia, together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Scientific Research Centre organized a workshop on Seed Certification System in Georgia, with the participation of government agencies, international community and local organizations involved in formulation of seed certification system for the country.

The objective of the workshop was to present draft seed certification system to stakeholders for discussion, and seek their inputs for developing final version of the document. Seed certification system used in most European countries and is internationally recognized was also presented to the parties.

Participants raised questions on topics concerning various aspects of seed certification system. They discussed opportunities for the involvement of the private sector in certification process, need of the harmonization of the legislative regulations with different international standards and other

Seed sector in Georgia

In spite of the fact that food production has significantly increased in Georgia, productivity remains as one of the challenges. There are several reasons for low productivity according to the area, including low quality of seed materials, resulting from poor functioning of seed sector. At the moment, there is no practice of document certifying quality of products. Georgian farmers have limited access to good quality seed and plant materials. In many cases, even reproduction of seed material or its breed cannot be confirmed.

Seed certification is one of the most important procedures for producing/importing of quality seed materials for local agricultural crops, which is a precondition for increased productivity. In its turn, increased productivity supports income generation in urban areas and therefore, reduction of poverty.

FAO involvement

FAO representation in Georgia is supporting Agricultural Scientific Research Centre of Georgia to develop seed and plant certification system. The system covers certification of both imported as well as local seed and plant materials. Significant work is undertaken to prepare appropriate procedures, legislation, and provide laboratory support.

This assistance is provided within the framework of the two FAO Technical assistance projects funded and supported by Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the Ministry of Agriculture of Austria respectively. The assistance is linked to overall ENPARD programme aimed at improving the competitiveness of the agricultural sector through supporting improved policy-making and effective implementation of the National Strategy for Agricultural Development.