المعلومات الجغرافية المكانية للنظم الغذائية المستدامة

Training on the "Land cover and crop-type mapping to support Crop Water Productivity in Libya

14/03/2023 - 16/03/2023

FAO provides techical assistance on land cover, crop and water productivity monitoring in Libya (Projects OSRO/LIB/002/ITA, OSRO/LIB/100/AFB). INtegrating satellite imagery and field data colection, in conjunction with specific algorithms to determine spatial and temporal variability of agricultural water and land productivity is challenging. With the objective to suport sustainable land cover, crop and water productivity, one of the initial step is to develop a national land cover reference system. Starting in Fezzan region, the project aims at scaling up the approach and the technical assistance art national level. This workshop aims at finanlizing the national land cover reference system for Libya. It involves fieldwork preparation activity that includes stocktaking of background information, sampling design, manuals and forms preparation, software customization and how to process the data for land cover and crop type mapping.