Geospatial information for sustainable food systems

Training on the "Land cover and crop-type mapping" at GIS and Remote Sensing Knowledge Sharing Sessions to FAO Myanmar staff members

01/09/2023 - 06/09/2023

GIS has played an important role in the cognitive living space and social development of human society (Goodchild Citation, 2018). The development of GIS is accompanied by the progress of information technology. On one hand, the development of information technology promotes the progress of GIS. On the other hand, GIS also puts forward many requirements for information technology (such as: spatiotemporal big data collection, analysis, application, etc.). A GIS works with many different applications: land use planning, environmental management, climate change assessment, sociological analysis, business marketing, and more. 

FAO- Myanmar has been implemented the many  GIS related projects regarding to Land Use and Land Cover Mapping, Land Use Changes, Crop Type Mapping, Crop Suitability Mapping, Agro-Ecological Zoning, Watershed Mapping, Mangrove Extent Mapping, Biomass Mapping, Forest Inventory, Aquaculture Mapping, Fire Management Mapping, Forest Change Alert/ Forest Monitoring Tools Mapping, Forest Restoration Potential Mapping. Since the useful of GIS is emerge in the many sectors, FAO- Myanmar is planning to organize the knowledge sharing sessions regarding GIS and Remote Sensing Application to the interested FAO personal under the overall guidance of AFAOR (programme). 



Training Hour: 14:30 to 16:00


19 July 2023 

U Phone Htut, Introduction to GIS using Google Earth Pro

21 July 2023 

Dr. Thinn Nwe Htwe, Survey Form Creation in web browser using Kobo Toolbox

26 July 2023

Dr. Thinn Nwe Htwe, Survey data collection in Mobile Phone using Kobo Toolbox

28 July 2023

U Phone Htut, Understanding and usage of GIS in different sectors

2 Aug 2023

Dr. Thinn Nwe Htwe, Starting with QGIS (GIS layers, Symbology, Label, Query)

4 Aug 2023

Dr. Thinn Nwe Htwe, Simple Map Layout

9 Aug 2023

Paing Phyo, Data Creation, Data Conversion, Map Layout

11 Aug 2023

Dr. Thinn Nwe Htwe, Basic Concept of Remote Sensing

16 Aug 2023

Dr. Thinn Nwe Htwe, Agroecological Zone Mapping and Crop Suitability

18 Aug 2023

U Phone Htut, Forest Fire Project

23 Aug 2023

Paing Phyo, Sepal – Forest restoration potential or Mangrove Extension and Classification / near real time forest monitoring 

25 Aug 2023

Paing Phyo, Land cover and land use planning

30 Aug 2023

Paing Phyo, GIS Data Collection with mobile phone software/ SW map

1 Sep 2023

Gautam Dadhich, Crop Type Mapping

6 Sep 2023

Gautam Dadhich, FAO Global Geospatial Platform