Información geoespacial para lograr sistemas alimentarios sostenibles

Training workshop on using geospatial for improved environmental monitoring in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

06/04/2022 - 06/04/2022

The complex task of plantation activities ranging from location identification, participatory mapping, coordination among the implementing agencies and final roll out of the field intervention passes through a rigorous process under the direct supervision of the Energy and Environmental Technical Working Group (EETWG). Although initiatives are taken on a yearly basis to assess plantation performance and regeneration strength of the restored sites, there is opportunity for more routine monitoring activities in this restoration effort. It is important to ensure initiatives in both the camps and host community are properly monitored using geospatial. Such efforts can contribute to the local level needs for better decision making as well as to contribute the global level ecosystem monitoring effort. 

Under the umbrella of the EETWG, FAO, Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology and OSM organizes a workshop on using geospatial approaches to share knowledge and information for monitoring ecosystem restoration in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.