Геопространственная информация в поддержку устойчивых продовольственных систем

Technical workshop on monitoring SDG 15.3.1 using SEPAL in Bangladesh

01/11/2021 - 04/11/2021

Trees and forests in Bangladesh provide a wealth of resources in the form of nutrition, energy, medicine and materials which local communities heavily depend on. They are also valued for their contribution to soil and water protection, carbon sequestration and many other services. Nonetheless, these resources are under extreme pressure from rapid population growth, land degradation, and expanding industries. While Bangladesh is aspiring to become a higher middle-income country by 2021, sustainably using and conserving these resources is central to the sustainable development of the country. The results from the Bangladesh Forest Inventory, which aims to inform national plans and strategies for addressing sustainable development, in particular the Sustainable Development Goal 15 - Life on Land  (SDG 15), can be used and further enhanced under the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, in particular regarding SDG indicator 15.3.1.