Geospatial information for sustainable food systems

Rapid remote sensing and geospatial analysis for the flood impact assessment of Cyclone Eloise on crop production in Mozambique

Category 2 Tropical Cyclone Eloise hit central Mozambique on January 23, 2021 with wind gusts reaching 160 km/h. The cyclone epicenter hit Buzi district and caused flooding, and impacted agricultural production in several provinces.

A rapid assessment of the impact of Cyclone Eloïse was carried out within the framework of the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) by the Geospatial Unit of the Land and Water Division (NSL) and the representation of FAO in Mozambique. The assessment took place during the period February-March and provided precise information on the extent of the floods, their location and severity, the quantification of the agricultural land affected, estimates of the losses (fruits and nuts, maize, sugar cane, vegetables and wetland rice) and identified the most vulnerable areas at each administrative level.

The analysis integrated a digital elevation model (DEM), Sentinel 1 and 2 satellite images, regular data on water bodies, global agro-ecological zoning data (GAEZ) (which contains data from agricultural statistics), demographic data and other geospatial information. This integrated approach, in the absence of geolocated field data, has made it possible to provide detailed statistics which can support relevant intervention and recovery measures and food security.

It is essential to support sustainable and resilient agriculture and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by using and adapting up-to-date innovative geospatial technologies, tools, platforms (e.g. global agro-ecological zoning (GAEZ), as well as well as enhancing access and sharing data and information which will support national response plans and longer-term strategies.