Geospatial information for sustainable food systems

FAO Conducts Training in Bangui to Enhance Hydrological and Meteorological Emergency Management Using Space-Based Data

In the Central African Republic, the Ministry of Agriculture, in collaboration with the World Bank, successfully concluded the first computerized spatial data management course for the "Emergency Response Project to the Food Crisis" (PRUCAC). The training, held at FAO headquarters in Bangui from March 8 to May 4, 2023, brought together ten experts from the project's partner Directorates-General. The course focused on practical applications of spatial data using the open-source software QGis, allowing participants to explore various analytical functionalities. By utilizing project-specific geographical data, the participants gained valuable insights and knowledge to support the development of an early warning system for floods and droughts in the Central African Republic. This capacity-building initiative sets the stage for future in-depth training within the project.