Geospatial information for sustainable food systems

Internal meeting on preparation of national and sub-national spatially crop yield and yield gap from Global Agro-Ecological Zoning (GAEZ)

An internal meeting was held to demonstrate the practical advantages of utilizing the GAEZ dataset and remote sensing techniques for generating spatially aggregated crop yield and yield gap data at both national and sub-national levels. The aim was to showcase methodologies for creating detailed assessments of crop yield, production, and harvest by downscaling global data. This approach can provide policymakers and agricultural experts with insights into a country's agricultural system.

The meeting had over 80 participants from various divisions and country offices within FAO, representing diverse fields such as economics, agronomy, hydrology, and remote sensing. These attendees offered feedback on the proposed methodology and suggestions for its improvement.

A tutorial and guidance document are currently being prepared and will be made available shortly.