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Agricultural implications for ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change in Steppe ecosystems – Project updates

FAO’s Subregional Office for Central Asia led workshops and field trips to the Turkish provinces of Ankara, Konya, Erzurum in July and September 2018 under the project ’Agricultural implications for ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change in Steppe ecosystems’. The workshops enhanced work already underway to build the technical capacity of institutions and stakeholders, to provide technical support and to collect data.

“The goal of this mission was to exchange information with the all stakeholders and to provide momentum to ensure the effective implementation and long-term sustainability of the project” explained Ece Aksoy, a consultant from the FAO-Geospatial Unit in Rome reporting on the workshops and field trips in July, where she was joined by 15 International and National Consultants to collect data and evaluate the project’s progress.

At the workshops Ms Aksoy gave a presentation on mapping risks following vulnerability assessments. During the field trips, speaking to the communities meant that the team was able to learn more about the needs of the beneficiaries and listened to their suggestions on improving farming techniques in the face of climate change.

In September 2018, FAO’s Subregional Office for Central Asia organized a workshop: ‘Local governance model for Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change in Steppe ecosystems’ in Konya.

The workshop objective was to support institutions and to increase coordination to ensure the successful implementation of the ecosystem-based adaptation (EBA) activities.

The 62 participants included representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF), Non-Governmental Organizations, farmers’ organizations, research institutions and universities.

Building on lessons learned through field work, participants discussed local capacities, work culture and existing synergies between different institutions for better implementation of the EBA activities.

With the aim of increasing the resilience of societies and Steppe ecosystems to the impacts of climate change, the FAO-Geospatial Unit is focusing on generating the background information to implement policies and strategies. The first objective is to increase national capacity and awareness in preparation for the adoption of medium and long-term climate change ecosystem-based adaptation plans. The plans, focusing primarily on Anatolian Steppe ecosystems will be gradually aligned with EU climate policy and legislation.

The FAO Subregional Office for Central Asia implemented the project in close cooperation with the Republic of Turkey’s Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (MFAL).

Ankara, July - International and National project experts at workshop Workshop, Konya - A representative of each group presented the results Ankara, July - Meeting the farmers


Related Links:

Project GCP/TUR/063/EC

Meeting, Ankara Jan 2018

Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry