يمكن الاطلاع هنا على المشاريع الجارية المتعلقة بالرصد الزراعي وتقييم الغطاء الأرضي والتي أعدّتها المنظمة باستخدام المنهجيات والأدوات الجغرافية المكانية.
01 March 2003
01 March 2003

The objectives of this TCP project were to develop a regional map, digital database and socio-economic statistics based on existing land cover information to faci-litate regional cooperation for food security and sustainable and envi-ronmentally sound agriculture in South-East...
01 February 1995
01 February 1995

The Africover project was established in response to national requests for assi-stance in the development of reliable and georeferenced information on natu-ral resources. These data were needed for: early warning, food security, agri-culture, disaster prevention and mana-gement, forest...