Геопространственная информация в поддержку устойчивых продовольственных систем

Impact of the May conflict escalation on the agricultural area in the Gaza Strip

Year published: 01/09/2021

A rapid geospatial analysis was undertaken to estimate the damages to land and crops caused by the conflict escalation affecting the Gaza Strip between 10 and 21 May 2021.

The following data were used for this analysis:

•Sentinel-1 SAR image (10m),

•WorldView-2 PAN & multi-spectral image (0.5m),

•Pleiades multi-spectral Image (0.5m),

•UNOSAT damage assessment data*

Analysis of data showed that 158 ha (1 580 dunums) of greenhouses (70 ha, 44 percent), irrigated crops (3 ha, 2 percent), rain-fed crops (61 ha, 39 percent), and orchards (24 ha, 15 percent) sustained three types of damages: i) burned 65 ha, ii) crater 23 ha and iii) footprint 70 ha. Greenhouses and rain-fed crops sustained the most damage, followed by orchards and irrigated crops,although the amounts vary by governorate.