المعلومات الجغرافية المكانية للنظم الغذائية المستدامة


Türkiye is located in an active seismic zone, and earthquakes are not uncommon in the country. The government and local authorities have taken measures to strengthen buildings and infrastructure in order to minimize the risk...
An assessment of land degradation was carried out following the UNCCD’s Good Practice Guidance (GPG) version 2 for the SDG Indicator 15.3.1 (Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area) for South Kordofan...
Better understanding of cropland water demand provides useful guidance for efficient irrigation practices. Potential evapotranspiration can be defined as a proxy of cropland water demand, i.e., the amount of water that can be transferred to...
An assessment of land degradation was carried out following the UNCCD’s Good Practice Guidance (GPG) version 2 for the SDG Indicator 15.3.1 (Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area) for North Kordofan...
An assessment of land degradation was carried out following the UNCCD’s Good Practice Guidance (GPG) version 2 for the SDG Indicator 15.3.1 (Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area) for Sennar state...