Geospatial information for sustainable food systems


South Africa is the southern most country on the African continent with the 121 309 ha of land area and highly dependent on agriculture sector (79 percent of agricultural land area) for food, income, and...
The Geospatial Unit of the Land and Water Division (NSL) at Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO) and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA organized the second virtual consultation, on 24 March 2022,...
L’occupation du sol est une composante essentielle pour de nombreux domaines, de la gestion de l’eau à l’agriculture, de la lutte contre la désertification à celle contre le changement climatique. La détection des changements de...
There is an increasing necessity to provide timely and updated information about the status of land resources. It is well-known that land degradation not only results in reduced food production but also in reduced environmental...
Three options for the sampling design of the field plot clusters of NAFORMA II biophysical survey are compared in this report. Option 1 consists of re-measuring all NAFORMA I field sample plots (3 205 clusters)...