Geospatial information for sustainable food systems


The Global Agro-Ecological Zoning version 4 (GAEZ v4), launched on June 17th 2021, uses well-established land evaluation principles to assess natural resources for finding suitable agricultural land utilization options. It is based on agro-climatic assessments,...
Impacts on crops and exposure of rural people during the period January–March 2022. This report provides results on: (1) flood extent; (2) cropland area; (3) flooded crop; (4) cultivated land with rice (irrigated); (5) impacted...
A low pressure system formed in the Indian ocean crossed over Madagascar on 22 January 2022 and made landfall on 24 January in Mozambique, causing damage to...
The FAO-led Monitoring Taskforce established in support to the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration involves experts from over 100 organisations and serves as focal point for providing technical guidance and assistance on restoration monitoring for...
The unprecedented increase in forced displacement over the past decade poses critical challenges to human health, food security, nutrition, water supply and sanitation, shelter, education, environmental services and energy, not only for the people who...