Геопространственная информация в поддержку устойчивых продовольственных систем


Utilising a baseline greenhouse layer prepared by FAO in 2021 and very high-resolution satellite imagery*, UNOSAT updated the baseline for 2023, prior to the recent conflict escalation, and conducted an assessment of the number and...
FAO and UNOSAT have conducted a series of geospatial assessments of agricultural land and infrastructure to assess damage due to the conflict in the Gaza Strip. Monitoring crops using remote sensing facilitates a greater understanding...
A cropland mask was prepared using very high-resolution satellite data from SPOT and Pléiades and high-resolution data from Sentinel-2 to analyse the damage to cropland. Sentinel-2 data from the month of May from 2017 to...
A cropland mask was prepared using very high-resolution satellite data from SPOT and Pléiades and high-resolution data from Sentinel-2 to analyse the damage to cropland. Sentinel-2 data from the month of May from 2017 to...
A cropland category mask was prepared using very high-resolution satellite data from SPOT and Pléiades and highresolution data from Sentinel-2 to analyse the damage to cropland. Sentinel-2 data from the month of May from 2017...
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