

An assessment of degree of urbanization(Degurba) grid cells was done in Thanh Chuongdistrict of Viet Nam for year 2020 to delineate intoDegurba classes using Degurba methodology. Themethodology classifies the population grid cellsinto urban center, urban...
An assessment of degree of urbanization(Degurba) grid cells was done in Con Cuongdistrict of Viet Nam for year 2020 to delineate intoDegurba classes using Degurba methodology. Themethodology classifies the population grid cellsinto urban center, urban...
An assessment of degree of urbanization(Degurba) grid cells was done in Thanh Chuongdistrict of Viet Nam for year 2020 to delineate intoDegurba classes using Degurba methodology. Themethodology classifies the population grid cellsinto urban center, urban...
An assessment of degree of urbanization(Degurba) grid cells was done in Con Cuongdistrict of Viet Nam for year 2020 to delineate intoDegurba classes using Degurba methodology. Themethodology classifies the population grid cellsinto urban center, urban...
A crop mask was prepared in support to naturebased solutions (NBS) indicator monitoring inThanh Chuong district of Viet Nam. The crop maskwas based on the land cover map prepared using amodified 2019 national land cover...