

Agriculture is crucial for the national economy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Adoption of new strategies for agriculture monitoring, rural land use planning, and management are urgently required to reduce hunger and...
The Jordanian Land Cover Database and Atlas were developed under the Regional Food Security Analysis Network (RFSAN) project. The main objective of the project is to increase and improve provision of goods and services from...
What is the FAO Geospatial Unit and what does it do? The aim of this flyer is to describe essentially the activity of the team, how - with more than...
The reasons for updating the previous land cover mapping of 2011 in South Sudan are numerous. Although no systematic work has been conducted in recent years, displacement of people related to civil unrest is frequent and...
The Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZ) approach, developed by FAO with the collaboration of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), aims to: strengthen food and energy security in Thailand; assist with the formulation...