Геопространственная информация в поддержку устойчивых продовольственных систем


Agro-MAPS is global spatial database providing national and sub-national agricultural statistics for GAEZ. National and sub-national agricultural land statistics, compiled by FAO and/or national statistical bureaus, are used in GAEZ for calibration of rain-fed and irrigated cropland shares and as an input dataset for downscaling procedures used in Module VI to spatially allocate statistical production of the period 2009–2011 (please consult the GAEZ v4 Model Documentation for more details on the procedure).

The original version was developed as a joint  initiative by FAO, IFPRI (the International Food Policy Institute), SAGE (The Center for  Sustainability and the Global Environment) and CIAT (The International Center for Tropical  Agriculture) to support a variety of applications being developed separately by the three institutions. It was an interactive web-based information system on land use which contained statistics on primary food crops, aggregated by sub-national administrative districts, on crop production, area harvested and crop yields. Agro-MAPS data were obtained mainly from published reports on national agricultural censuses, usually carried out every 5 to 10 years, or from annual estimates reported in published sources. Data collected were subject to preprocessing in order to ensure overall consistency and enhance accuracy of the final integrated database. Basic metadata, including citation of original sources, are included.

Agro-MAPS data is now being updated by FAO for Global Agro-Ecological Zoning version 5.