Compliance with GFCM decisionsMonitoring, control and surveillance
IUU fishing
Illegal practices in the fisheries sector
IUU fishing is often connected to other illegal practices and crimes, which are frequently of a transnational and organized nature. More specifically, operators of IUU vessels are known to disregard poor labour conditions, promote human trafficking and the smuggling of drugs and firearms, commit fraud, and evade taxation and customs duties. In this regard, active cooperation among international organizations with the mandate to tackle such activities is vital.
The GFCM has been pursuing cooperation with the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crimes (UNODC), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), aiming to devise a strategy to address all illegal practices in the fisheries sector.
- International cooperation with relevant organizations – namely UNODC, OECD and ILO – to fight illegal practices in the fisheries sector
- Identification and sharing – through GFCM-Lex – of national legislation relating to sanctions against fisheries crimes
- Awareness-raising campaigns on illegal practices in the fisheries sector, to share best practices and to identify solutions for closing intra-agency loopholes.
- Fisheries Crime | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
- United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols Thereto | UN General Assembly, 2003
- Electronic Evidence Resources on SHERLOC, United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
- FAOLEX Database
- OECD-FAO-UNODC Conference on improving cooperation in the fight against fish crime | GFCM