General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Market and trade dimension

Traceability mechanisms covering both industrial and small-scale fisheries are a powerful deterrent against IUU fishing. Catch documentation schemes in particular can be very effective in preventing illegally harvested fishery products from entering the supply chain, and several GFCM recommendations relate to their development, in line with general guidelines provided by FAO.


The GFCM, like other RFMOs, is also involved in discussions on the adoption of other market-related measures aimed at ensuring effective oversight of the trade in fishery products, to close any current loopholes and eliminate any economic incentives which might attract illegal operators. 


  • Implementation of a pilot phase for the development of catch documentation schemes (i.e. for turbot in the Black Sea, red coral and European eel in the Mediterranean Sea)
  • Development of an effective and cost-efficient permanent catch documentation scheme
  • Promotion of inter-agency cooperation at the national and regional levels to build links between fisheries authorities, market authorities and customs authorities. 


  • Recommendation GFCM/46/2023/19 on the establishment of a catch documentation scheme for red coral in the Mediterranean Sea (EN | FR)
  • Recommendation GFCM/46/2023/20 on the establishment of a catch documentation scheme for turbot in the Black Sea (geographical subarea 29) (EN | FR)
  • Recommendation GFCM/45/2022/14 on the regulation of transshipment in the GFCM area of application (EN | FR)
  • Recommendation GFCM/43/2019/4 on a management plan for the sustainable exploitation of red coral in the Mediterranean Sea (EN) | (FR)
  • Recommendation GFCM/43/2019/3 amending Recommendation GFCM/41/2017/4 on a multiannual management plan for turbot fisheries in the Black Sea (geographical subarea 29) (EN | FR
  • Recommendation GFCM/42/2018/1 on a multiannual management plan for European eel in the Mediterranean Sea (EN | FR)
  • FAO Voluntary Guidelines for Catch Documentation Schemes |FAO, 2017