General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM


BlackSea4Fish fulfills its objectives in a variety of ways. These include:

  • Recruiting external experts to address priority topics and carry out ad-hoc studies
  • Supporting participation of Black Sea scientists in the SGSABS and the WGBS, along with other GFCM meetings and activities
  • Coordinating and supporting the launch and implementation of strategic activities such as surveys-at-sea, vessel monitoring and control systems, socioeconomic surveys, and bycatch monitoring programmes
  • Organizing new ad-hoc activities in response to existing decisions (e.g. management plans and research programmes/pilot projects) and to bridge knowledge gaps identified by the WGBS, in particular with the aim of improving the scientific advice that forms the basis for fisheries management in the Black Sea
  • Promoting training opportunities and capacity-building actions in member countries
  • Enhancing cooperation between Black Sea initiatives
  • Managing initiatives for outreach and dissemination of programme results

The Working Group on the Black Sea

The Working Group on the Black Sea (WGBS) was created by the GFCM in 2010 as an ad hoc mechanism for scientific work and decision-making for Black Sea riparian states: the issues in the region required a regionally influential, widely recognized institutional arrangement. WGBS objectives are to provide scientific advice to the GFCM on matters linked to Black Sea fisheries management and conservation, including biological, social and economic aspects.

After consultation with experts and managers and based on a combination of criteria, including socioeconomic importance and conservation concern, the GFCM agreed upon a list of eight Black Sea priority species for which advice should be produced.

Black Sea  
Pelagic species  European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus)
European sprat (Sprattus sprattus)
Horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus)
Demersal species Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
Whiting (Merlangius merlangus)
Red mullet (Mullus barbatus)
Non-indigenous species  Rapa whelk (Rapana venosa) 
Species of conservation concern  Piked dogfish (Squalus acanthias) 

BlackSea4Fish Area


BlackSea4Fish is a multi-partner initiative which works in every country that borders the Black Sea, bringing together fisheries stakeholders from across the region:

Scientists and other experts

Their work – usually within national fisheries institutes and authorities – is the foundation for the GFCM advisory process, establishing the knowledge base that underpins scientific advice and technical assistance. Empowering them to work better improves advisory outcomes.

Fishers and fish workers

Particularly in small-scale fisheries they have a vital role to play in data collection, traceability and scientific monitoring, and should be able to participate in decisions that affect them. The training and technical and financial support provided through BlackSea4Fish are all needed to build their capacity and diversify their activities to improve their livelihoods.

Administration representatives

BlackSea4Fish is a regional programme that encompasses national objectives, working closely with representatives of each country to provide the specific means and tools needed to enhance their fisheries management capacity, plan national contributions, participate in GFCM processes, and deliver against GFCM requirements.

Partner organizations

Partnerships and collaborations with a range of organizations and fora are fundamental to BlackSea4Fish – they foster synergies and avoid duplication, maximizing the strategic and operational advantages each party brings to the table and scaling up overall impact. Partner organizations are key in implementing select actions on the ground, and in developing and sharing knowledge and best practices across the region.