General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM


Coordinated management plan aims to promote the recovery of the European eel population in the Mediterranean

The future of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla), an iconic fish species, also much appreciated in Mediterranean cuisine, is currently at risk

Selectivity pilot project in Strait of Sicily tests ways to prevent the catch of juveniles of commercial species

One important project currently underway focuses on selectivity – a highly significant issue in fishery resource management and conservation

Fishers and scientists pledge common efforts to preserve critically endangered European eel

Dozens of fishers, scientists and administrators met this week in Orbetello, Italy to share knowledge and discuss the future of the European eel fishery in the Mediterranean Sea.

Mitigation solutions aim to reduce dolphin depredation in the Mediterranean

Efficient reporting and monitoring of depredation will enable scientists, conservationists and administrators to obtain a more complete overview of the situation and to set priorities for action and better management.

Non-indigenous species are changing the nature of the Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea is being invaded by hundreds of fish, jellyfish, prawns and other marine species from outside the region.

GFCM unveils MedSea4Fish, an ambitious fisheries programme to continue turning the corner on overexploitation in Mediterranean Sea

MedSea4Fish aims to better equip and skill over 20 GFCM countries as well as spur actions at the national, subregional and regional levels.
