General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Committee on Compliance (CoC) - 8th Session

19 May, 2014-24 May, 2014

GFCM HQ Via Vittoria Colonna Rome, Lazio, 00193 Italy

Form for the National Report on the implementation of GFCM decisions (EnFr

Credential standard form (ArEnFr

List of hotels in proximity of the venue | Map of FAO HQs

Meeting documents

1 Provisional Agenda and timetable (En | Fr | Ar | Es)
2 Executive report on selected issues and activities before the Compliance Committee (En | Fr | Ar)
Inf.1 List of Documents ((Available only in English)
Inf.2 Terms of reference of the Compliance Committee (En | Fr | Ar)
Inf.3 Report of the Seventh Session of the Compliance Committee (En | Fr | Ar)
Inf.4 Statement of Competence and Voting Rights by the European Union and its Member States (Available only in English)
Inf.5 Status of implementation by Members of decisions adopted at the 37th session of the Commission (Available only in English)
Inf.6 Status of the Compendium of GFCM decisions (En | Fr)
Inf.7 Identification of cases of non compliance with GFCM decisions in accordance with recommendation GFCM/34/2010/3 (Available only in English)
Inf.8 Report of the CoC working group on VMS (Tunis, Tunisia, 1-2 October 2013) (Available only in English)
Inf.9 Launching of a feasibility study for a GFCM vessel monitoring system (VMS) and related control systems (Available only in English)
Inf.10 Provisional GFCM IUU vessel list (Available only in English)
Inf.11 Report of the CoC working group on compliance (FAO HQ, Rome, Italy, 28-29 January 2014) (Available only in English)
Inf.12 Guidelines for a technical cooperation programme in the monitoring of fishing vessels in the GFCM Area of competence (En | Fr