General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - 38th session

19 May, 2014-24 May, 2014

GFCM HQ Via Vittoria Colonna Rome, Lazio, 00193 Italy


Proposals by EU:

ICES input to the 38th Session of the GFCM (Available only in English)

Related documents

1 Provisional agenda and timetable (Arabic | English | Français | Español)
2 Report on fisheries intersessional activities in 2013-2014, recommendations and workplan for 2014-2015 (En | Fr | Ar)
3 Report on aquaculture intersessional activities in 2013-2014, recommendations and workplan for 2014-2015 (En | Fr | Ar)
4 Elements for a regional management plan for red coral (En | Fr)
5 Report of the GFCM Committee on Administration and Finance
6 Report of the GFCM Compliance Committee
7 Report of the Secretariat on administrative and financial issues (En | Fr | Ar)
8 GFCM budget and Members contributions for 2014-2016 (En | Fr | Ar)
9 GFCM Data Collection Reference Framework (DCRF) (En | Fr)
Inf.1 Provisional List of Documents (Available only in English)
Inf.2 Current Agreement for the Establishment of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, Rules of Procedures and Financial Regulations (En | Fr | Ar)
Inf.3 Statement of Competence and Voting Rights by the European Union and its Member States (Available only in English)
Inf.4 Report of the thirty-seventh session of the GFCM (Split, Croatia, 13-17 May 2013)(En | Fr | Ar)
Inf.5 Report of the sixteenth session of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) (St Julian’s, Malta, 17-20 March 2014) (En/Fr)
Inf.6 Report of the eighth session of the Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) (Paris, France, 13-15 March 2013) (En/Fr)
Inf.7 Conclusions of the ad hoc meeting to launch the GFCM Aquaculture Multi-stakeholder Platform (AMShP) including Strategic Areas for aquaculture development (Izmir, Turkey, 12–13 December 2013) (Available only in English)
Inf.8 Key elements to develop guidelines on a harmonised environmental monitoring programme (EMP) for marine finfish cage farming in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (Available only in English)
Inf.9 GFCM framework for cooperation and arrangements with party organisations (Available only in English)
Inf.10 Report on major activities and ongoing developments of FAO projects in the Mediterranean (Available only in English)
Inf.11 Report of the GFCM Extraordinary session (Athens, Greece, 7-9 April 2014) (Available only in English)
Inf.12 Report of the Task Force Working Group on the amendment of the GFCM legal framework (Istanbul, Turkey, 19-21 February 2014) (Available only in English)
Inf.13 Framework for describing stock status and providing management advice in relation to reference points (En | Fr)
Inf.14 Practical Guidelines for Artificial Reefs in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (Available only in English)
Inf.15 Guidelines for sustainable management of coastal lagoons in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (Available only in English)
Inf.16 Concept note for a project to support the "start-up and functioning of the Aquaculture Multi-Stakeholder Platform (AMShP)" (Available only in English)
Inf.17 Concept note for the ‘First regional programme on small-scale fisheries’ (Available only in English)
Dma.1 Age determination of elasmobranchs, with special reference to Mediterranean species: A technical manual (by Campana S.). Studies and Reviews. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. No. 94
Dma.2 Mediterranean coastal lagoons: sustainable management and interactions among aquaculture, capture fisheries and environment. Studies and Reviews. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. No 95. Rome, FAO. 2014. (by Cataudella S., Crosetti D. and Massa F., eds.)
Dma.3 Proposals for a new cover for GFCM annual session reports: (Draft 1) (Draft 2) (Draft 3)