General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - Extraordinary Session

7 April, 2014-9 April, 2014

FAO HQ Via Vittoria Colonna Rome, Lazio, 00193 Italy

Saturday, May 17, 2014
9:30am  5:00pm

Extraordinary Session 

Zappeion Hall, Athens, Greece, 7-9 April 2014

Extraordinary Session (cont’d) 

Red Room, FAO HQ, Rome, Italy, Saturday 17 May 2014

Meeting schedule and arrangements of Saturday 17 May (En | Fr)

List of hotels in proximity of the venue | Map of FAO HQ

Proposed amended GFCM Agreement (En | Fr | Ar)

This document reproduces, on the basis of the current GFCM Agreement, the proposed amendments suggested by the third GFCM Extraordinary session held in Athens, Greece, on 7-9 April 2014

 Comments on the proposed amended GFCM Agreement (original language):


 EU proposal on article 23.8 (English and French)

Related documents

1 Provisional Agenda and Timetable (Ar | En | Fr | Es)
2 Draft amended GFCM Agreement (Ar | En | Fr)
Inf.1 List of documents (En)
Inf.3 Current Agreement for the Establishment of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, Rules of Procedure and Financial Regulations (Ar |En | Fr | Ru)
Inf.4 Minutes of the Task Force Working Group on the amendment of the GFCM legal framework (Istanbul, Turkey, 19-21 February 2014) (Available in English only)
Inf.5 Comparative Table current GFCM Agreement vs draft amendment submitted for exam at the Task Force Working Group on the amendment of the GFCM legal framework(Available in English only)
Inf.6 Comparative Table current GFCM Rules of Procedure vs draft amendment submitted for exam at the Task Force Working Group on the amendment of the GFCM legal framework(Available in English only)
Inf.7 Comparative Table current GFCM Financial Regulations vs draft amendment submitted for exam at the Task Force Working Group on the amendment of the GFCM legal framework (Available in English only)
Inf.8 Information note on Quorum, Majority and Voting Arrangements of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean of the FAO (Available in English only)
Inf.9 Information note on clauses relating to the settlement of disputes (Available in English only)
Inf.10 Statement of Competence and Voting Rights by the European Union and its Member States