News - 2015
Rome, Italie. La CGPM et la Tunisie viennent de donner un nouvel élan à leur collaboration grâce à un nouvel accord établi dans le contexte du Programme-cadre de la CGPM. À l’occasion d’une rencontre bilatérale tenue au siège de la...
La CGPM et la COMHAFAT renforcent leur coopération pour lutter contre la pêche illicite, non déclarée et non réglementée
28 October 2015
28 October 2015
Marrakech, Maroc. La CGPM et la Conférence ministérielle sur la coopération halieutique entre les États africains riverains de l’océan Atlantique (COMHAFAT/ATLAFCO) viennent de donner un nouveau coup de pouce à leur collaboration en formalisant leur engagement en faveur de la...
Bilateral meeting at the State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine
15 September 2015
15 September 2015
Kiev, Ukraine. On the occasion of a bilateral meeting held at the State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine, the GFCM Executive Secretary, Mr Abdellah Srour, had the opportunity to discuss with the Chairman of the State Agency of Fisheries, Mr Yarema...
Visit of the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation at GFCM headquarters
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
Rome, Italy. On 14th July 2015, the GFCM had the honor to welcome at its headquarters, in Palazzo Blumenstihl, H.E. Ilya Shestakov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and Head of the Federal Agency for Fisheries. Mr Shestakov...
Milan, Italy. The representatives of 25 countries of the Mediterranean basin and the Black Sea, Japan, the European Union as well as intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations have taken historic steps on the occasion of the thirty-ninth annual session of the General...
An international day to raise awareness on the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
30 April 2015
30 April 2015
Marrakech, Morocco. In a global context of fierce competition for fishery resources which are progressively being depleted as a consequence of overfishing, overexploitation and overcapacity, illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing has become a growing concern. IUU fishing encompasses a...
Joint ACCOBAMS-GFCM project on mitigating interactions between endangered species and fishing activities
08 April 2015
08 April 2015
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Last Tuesday, 7 April 2015, the joint ACCOBAMS-GFCM project on mitigating interactions between endangered species and fishing activities was officially launched on the occasion of a kick-off meeting held in Tunis (Tunisia) at the premises of the International Center for Environmental...
A decisive step towards enhanced regional cooperation for the management of Black Sea fisheries
13 March 2015
13 March 2015
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Tbilisi, Georgia. The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (GFCM/FAO) concluded yesterday the fourth annual meeting of its Working Group on the Black Sea. The meeting was hosted by Georgia,...