News - 2020
SOMFI2020 | Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries are turning the corner on overexploitation
14 December 2020
14 December 2020
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AR | BU | EN | FR | ES | IT | RU
New report shows that while most fish stocks remain overexploited, the number of stocks subject to overfishing has decreased for the first time in decades
After decades of increasing human pressures on...
Online courses on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the establishment of Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZA)
23 November 2020
23 November 2020
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Allocated zones for aquaculture (AZAs) within marine spatial planning are considered an essential instrument in the sustainable development and expansion of aquaculture in the Mediterranean and Black Sea bordering countries.
Given the spatial context of AZAs, applications incorporating multiple models able...
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On Science Day, the FAO Mediterranean Projects, AdriaMed, CopeMedII, EastMed, MedSudMed, and the GFCM BlackSea4Fish project, organized a workshop to address common regional small-scale fisheries (SSF) issues such as collaborative science (including participatory data collection, reporting and monitoring), local ecological knowledge...
Countries of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea unite to build a new strategy for fisheries and aquaculture
03 November 2020
03 November 2020
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On 3 November, more than 20 ministers met under the umbrella of the GFCM to share views on how to ensure the sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
In the presence of Virginijus Sinkevicius, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Manuel Barange, Director of the Fisheries Division and acting...
How an invasive sea snail triggered cooperation in the Black Sea
31 October 2020
31 October 2020
BU | FR | TR | UK
From 200 m all the way down to its deepest point of 2 200 m, the Black Sea is nearly as lifeless as a foreign planet. At its surface, however, it hosts a rich...
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On the week of the celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations, the City Council of Málaga and FAO have signed an administrative agreement for the establishment of a Technical Unit of the GFCM in Malaga.
“This agreement consolidates...
Aquaculture survey kicks off in Lebanon, aiming to support the growth of the sector
15 September 2020
15 September 2020
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In an effort to assist in relieving the crisis currently shaking the country, Lebanon is partnering with the General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to support the sustainable...
BG | KA | TR
Initially considered a marine pest, rapa whelk from the Black Sea is now exported globally and represents multimillion dollar revenues for the region’s riparian countries. As it is currently fished close to its sustainable limit, Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania,...
Technical guidelines for scientific surveys in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea now available in e-book version
14 August 2020
14 August 2020
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The Technical guidelines for scientific surveys in the Mediterranean and Black Sea have been produced as an e-book. Different e-book versions are now available on Apple, Amazon, Google Books and Smashwords and readers can download these device-friendly electronic versions of the...