General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM


Malta. The fortieth session of the GFCM concluded its work today in St Julian’s after four days of intensive discussions among more than 120 participants. The session marked a watershed event for the region: for the first time in the...
A video report of the regional conference "Building a future for sustainable small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea" held in Algiers on 7-9 March 2016. The video is available in English and French.
On the occasion of a Ministerial Conference on Mediterranean fisheries, held at the European Commission on 27 April, GFCM members took stock of the current situation of fisheries in the Mediterranean and of past developments since the benchmark Venice Declaration...
The GFCM Secretariat is pleased to inform colleagues and partners that the new GFCM publication the State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries 2016 (SoMFi 2016) is now available online. It is the first time that a comprehensive review of...
Kiev, Ukraine – On the occasion of the fifth meeting of the GFCM ad hoc Working Group of the Black Sea, hosted by the State Agency of Fisheries in Kiev, Ukraine, from 5 to 7 April 2016, the representatives of five...
A video on the major challenges for small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea today and actions to secure their sustainable future. The video is available in English and French.
Algiers, Algeria – More than 200 persons met last week in Algiers on the occasion of a Regional Conference[1]to discuss the major priorities and challenges for the future of small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. After three...
The Regional Conference on sustainable small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean is organized by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) and the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), including its Mediterranean...
GFCM headquarters, Rome. The GFCM Chairperson, Stefano Cataudella, and the GFCM Executive Secretary, Abdellah Srour, welcomed today at GFCM headquarters the European Commissioner Karmenu Vella, responsible for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, as well as a delegation of several EU...