General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM


After a week of intense discussions, the GFCM countries adopted today 35 decisions to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of marine living resources in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. On the occasion of the forty-fourth session of the GFCM,...
IT A FRA is an area in which some specific fishing activities are banned or restricted in order to improve the conservation of specific stocks, habitats and deep-sea ecosystems.  The Jabuka Pomo Pit FRA was the first established with a scientific monitoring...
FR | SP The representatives of Mediterranean and Black Sea countries were meeting on the occasion of the annual session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). They adopted...
Following the success of previous Aquaculture Demonstrative Centre (ADC) training programmes, gaining hundreds of participants from over 28 countries, the GFCM, in collaboration with experts from the Central Fisheries Research Institute (SUMAE) is organizing a five-day online training course on...
For the first time ever, a scientific survey on fisheries resources will be carried out to discover what lies at the bottom of the sea in Lebanon.   Beirut | Today, fishers and passersby may have noticed a different type of boat docked at the port of Beirut....
The ecosystem of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea has changed significantly over the last few decades due to the introduction of non-indigenous species, also commonly called alien species. With over 900 non-indigenous species in the Mediterranean Sea and almost 300 in the Black Sea, fisheries are adapting to take into account the ever-changing marine...
The GFCM has signed a Letter of Agreement with Algeria for the execution of joint pelagic and demersal surveys in Algerian waters with the National Centre for Research and Development of Fisheries and Aquaculture (CNRDPA).   Algeria is the third largest fisheries producer in the Mediterranean...
The ninth meeting of the Working Group on the Black Sea (WGBS) was held online from 28 to 30 July 2021. It was attended by delegates from six Black Sea countries and the European Union, as well as eight observers and representatives of the GFCM...
Bycatch –  a term widely used to refer to the part of catch unintentionally captured during a fishing operation in addition to target species, and consisting of discards and incidental catches of vulnerable species – is considered as an important threat to the profitability and...