Module two | Online course on the use of Geographic Information Systems in the establishment of Allocated Zones for Aquaculture

The GFCM is pleased to announce an online course on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the establishment of Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZA) on 6-7 December 2021.
Following MODULE 1 on spatial information and representation conducted in 2020, MODULE 2 will cover planning for sustainable aquaculture development. The objectives of this course are to:
- Review the concepts acquired during the first module on the representation of spatial information;
- Provide insights on the identification of parameters, suitability index and weighting factors for degree of compatibility estimation, including exclusion.
Everyone is welcome to view the course, but to be able to actively participate, you should have:
- Access to a personal computer for the duration of the course;
- Participated to the first module or reviewed the videos;
- Downloaded and installed (before the course) the QGIS software (version QGIS 3.16.12 'Hannover' or older versions), selecting the relevant operating system and the long term release repository: