General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

The GFCM family mourns the loss of Claudia Escutia


Our dearest colleague and friend Claudia Escutia has passed away surrounded by her family, after dealing with a serious illness over the last few months.

Claudia had been working at FAO for 23 years and was known across the Organization for her smile, energy and professionalism. She was a pillar of the GFCM Secretariat, which she joined in September 2009 and graced with her skills, experience and competence in addition to her infectious laughter and zest for life.

Starting as a GFCM bilingual secretary, she quickly consolidated her key role in backstopping the administration, finance and overall functioning of the Secretariat in the context of a fast-evolving GFCM, witnessing and unwaveringly supporting challenging years of expansion. Promoted first to the position of Programme and then Executive Associate, she enabled the work of the GFCM Committee on Administration and Finance. As leader of the Administration team, she ensured the successful arrangement of the GFCM’s travel and recruitments, the meticulous management of resources, finance and office matters, direct advice to the Executive Secretary and much more, while also contributing to strategic planning. She excelled in finding solutions to any issue that would arise.

She will have a lasting impact within the GFCM for the many processes she set in motion to allow the Secretariat to effectively undertake its duties and serve the membership at best as well as for shaping the GFCM premises into functional and reputational headquarters. The important role she played was also acknowledged by the Organization as she received, in 2019, the FAO Employee Recognition Award. A brilliant professional fluent in five languages, her devotion to her work, motivation for achievement and, more generally, her dedication to helping others will remain an example to all.

Claudia was a beacon and a constant presence of strength and wisdom. Her positivity and drive to make everything better were unmatched, and she had this warm and elegant way of making everyone feel at ease and supported.

An outstanding friend and colleague, she leaves a huge void and will be sorely missed.

Our feelings of love and remembrance go to her family and cherished ones.