General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM


The role of women in fisheries is often invisible. Overlooked by data collection, absent from legal frameworks, unrepresented in industry forums, women’s contributions often go unacknowledged. The GFCM is working with countries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea to change...
Romeo Mikičić has been fishing in the azure waters of the Adriatic Sea for more than 40 years.The father of two is passionate about the sea and comes from generations of fishers who lived on the island of Cres, one...
Over the past 18 months, the GFCM research programme on European eel has made great strides towards achieving a coordinated framework for management of eel towards the preparation of a multi-annual management plan in the Mediterranean. On 23 February 2022,...
The GFCM and OceanCare have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to work together towards the protection of the marine environment against pollution, in particular underwater noise pollution, the improvement of fisheries governance and the mitigation of the negative effects...
Women are transforming the field of science at FAO’s General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM).  The GFCM, the regional fisheries management body established through FAO, is working for the sustainable use and conservation of marine resources and sustainable development of...