General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM


As we are celebrating #WorldFisheriesDay today, the GFCM would like you to meet some of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea fishers and fish workers involved in making small-scale fisheries more sustainable.  It really is hard to overstate the importance of...
TheBlackSea4Fish project would like to propose, within the scope of its Output 5 – aimed at promoting regional cooperation and best practices, a series of online technical presentations on fishery-related topics of specific interest to the Black Sea. The aim of...
After a week of intense discussions, the GFCM countries adopted today 35 decisions to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of marine living resources in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. On the occasion of the forty-fourth session of the GFCM,...
IT A FRA is an area in which some specific fishing activities are banned or restricted in order to improve the conservation of specific stocks, habitats and deep-sea ecosystems.  The Jabuka Pomo Pit FRA was the first established with a scientific monitoring...
FR | SP The representatives of Mediterranean and Black Sea countries were meeting on the occasion of the annual session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). They adopted...