General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM


GFCM headquarters, Rome. The GFCM Chairperson, Stefano Cataudella, and the GFCM Executive Secretary, Abdellah Srour, welcomed today at GFCM headquarters the European Commissioner Karmenu Vella, responsible for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, as well as a delegation of several EU...
Rome, Italy. As the plague of IUU fishing is receiving increasing attention from the international community, the representatives of 28 States have just expressed their support towards initiatives aimed at combatting its negative effects. On the occasion of the intersessional...
Rome, Italie. La CGPM et la Tunisie viennent de donner un nouvel élan à leur collaboration grâce à un nouvel accord établi dans le contexte du Programme-cadre de la CGPM. À l’occasion d’une rencontre bilatérale tenue au siège de la...
Marrakech, Maroc. La CGPM et la Conférence ministérielle sur la coopération halieutique entre les États africains riverains de l’océan Atlantique (COMHAFAT/ATLAFCO) viennent de donner un nouveau coup de pouce à leur collaboration en formalisant leur engagement en faveur de la...
Kiev, Ukraine. On the occasion of a bilateral meeting held at the State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine, the GFCM Executive Secretary, Mr Abdellah Srour, had the opportunity to discuss with the Chairman of the State Agency of Fisheries, Mr Yarema...