General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM


More than 4000 people participated in the ADC online initative: free online courses on techniques and technologies in aquaculture.  These courses are developed in close collaboration with the GFCM Aquaculture Demonstrative Centres (ADC) in Turkey and Romania.  ADCs fulfill three main objectives: 1....
The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) has launched an online interactive tool to map initiatives and projects addressing small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. This tool was created with the partnership of the WWF Mediterranean Marine Initiative, the...
French version | Italian version | Spanish version |  The GFCM is launching this week a forum devoted to small-scale fisheries. The SSF Forum will offer workshops and sessions to small-scale fishers and fish workers across the Mediterranean and Black Sea region. Small-scale fishers...
Scientists from the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), the University of Málaga (Spain) and the National Institute of Fisheries Research of Morocco (INRH) will carry out a 25-day study in waters on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar, aimed...
FAO Director-General QU Dongyu paid a visit today to the headquarters of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) – a FAO statutory body which operates under FAO Governing Bodies. Its main objective is to federate efforts among countries...
High-level conference on MedFish4Ever Initiatives >Mediterranean and Black Sea countries renewed political commitments to the MedFish4ever Declaration in the context of the GFCM. Awards organized for best regional practices in the fight against IUU fishing based on a peer-review assessment. ADOPTION...
New York | The General Assembly on 10 December 2019 adopted by consensus the annual resolution “Sustainable fisheries, including through the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of...
Since the 1960s, a series of dramatic environmental changes have occurred in the Black Sea, putting at risk the survival of living marine resources. Black Sea countries have united to tackle this grave situation and achieve sustainable fisheries in the...
Rome | This side event, attended by more than 100 representatives, built on the success of the 2018 GFCM Fish Forum to highlight the role played by regional organizations in supporting sustainable ecosystem-based management of marine living resources.  It gave voice...