General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM


The GFCM Secretariat has just published four new videos on aquculture issues: Enabling good governance in aquaculture - Could aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea be simplified? A healthy environment, a stronger aquaculture industry - Could aquaculture be sustainable? Boosting markets for aquaculture - Could...
Madrid, Spain. The GFCM workshop on the implementation of the Data Collection Reference Framework (DCRF) in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea was just held on 15-16 December 2014. It was attended by national experts from 20 GFCM Members and one non-Member country...
Bari, Italy – About 140 participants, representatives of governments and international organizations, delegates, experts and professionals from Mediterranean and Black Sea countries (Albania, Algeria, Croatia, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Montenegro, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine) just met...
The Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, together with the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and in cooperation with the European Commission and the...
The FAO Director General, José Graziano da Silva, the Ministers and representatives of countries in the European Union, the Balkans, North Africa and the Middle East, and several international and regional organizations – including the European Commission and Union for...
The Italian Presidency of the Council of the EU, together with the GFCM of the FAO and in cooperation with the European Commission, is pleased to confirm that the Regional Aquaculture Conference “Blue Growth in the Mediterranean and the Black...
The following GFCM decisions entered into force on 16th October 2014: Recommendation GFCM/38/2014/1 amending Recommendation GFCM/37/2013/1 and on precautionary and emergency measures for 2015 on small pelagic stocks in the GFCM-GSA 17 Recommendation GFCM/38/2014/2 amending and repealing Recommendation GFCM/34/2010/3 concerning the identification...
The Algerian Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, H.E. Sid Ahmed Ferroukhi, visited the GFCM headquarters and met the GFCM Chairperson, the Executive Secretary and the staff. This visit was the occasion to discuss opportunities for enhanced cooperation between Algeria...