General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM


In the azure waters surrounding the Italian island of Procida in the Gulf of Naples lies a rich and dynamic marine environment. This is the home of the stony, purple sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus), an important herbivore, as well as...
Civitavecchia. The Executive Secretary of the GFCM, Miguel Bernal, was among the winners of the Premio Atlantide for the GFCM’s work in support of the sustainable use of fisheries resources, contributing both the protection of the Mediterranean and the Black...
A high-level event on fisheries and aquaculture that closed today has brought us a step closer to a future where sustainability – environmental, economic and social – will drive the development of the sector in the Mediterranean. The MedFish4Ever...
The GFCM High-level conference on MedFish4Ever initiatives: Transformative actions to address new challenges offered a fitting occasion to recognize outstanding new work in the Mediterranean in the fields of fishing technology and aquaculture research and in the fight against illegal,...
The 2023–2024 programme for the Small-Scale Fishers’ Forum (SSF Forum), initiative promoted by the Friends of SSF, is now out, with the next season of activities promising to be very active as face-to-face events return to the agenda.    Workshops 2023–2024  Non-indigenous species  Strong SSF organizations  Marine pollution  Selective...
The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is launching today a major scientific database on Black Sea fisheries. The platform, which was created collaboratively within the BlackSea4Fish project,...
On June 8 every year, World Ocean Day is an occasion to celebrate our one shared ocean and the crucial role it plays in our lives. It is also an opportunity to raise awareness of just how important it is...
The International Day for the Fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing, observed on June 5, was created to both raise awareness about these harmful practices and to celebrate active efforts seeking to bring them to an end. Illegal, unreported...
FR A workshop promoting the social acceptability of aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea and showcasing the gastronomic potential of farmed aquatic species took place today in Lyon. This event was jointly organized by the General Fisheries Commission for...