General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) - 8th session

25 October 2005 -28 October 2005

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The eighth session of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) was held in Tirana, Albania, from 25 to 28 October 2005. It was attended by delegates from fifteen Members of the Commission. The Committee appraised the scientific and technical activities performed by its subsidiary bodies during the intersessional period as well as those of the FAO regional projects supporting the Commission. SAC reviewed fishery management proposals emanating from its Sub-Committees and formulated related advice for consideration by the Commission. It identified research priorities and agreed on its workplan for 2006. It also suggested measures for the protection of certain marine ecosystems. In particular, SAC endorsed some principles for implementing the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF), favoured the establishment of a Network on fish technologists to address gear selectivity issues and reiterated the importance of further standardizing stock assessment methodologies. The Committee emphasized the need to pursue efforts for implementing the Operational Units concept addressing the multispecies fisheries. It expressed the wish to accelerate the establishment of the GFCM databases and information system, including its vessel register and to monitor market aspects affecting fisheries management. The Committee renewed for another term the mandate of its Chair, as well as of its vice-chairpersons and further endorsed the nomination of the coordinators of the four Sub-Committees.