General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Commission - 25th session

12 September 2000 -15 September 2000

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The twenty-fifth Session of the GFCM was attended by delegates from nineteen out of the twenty-two members of the Commission. The main issues discussed during the meeting were the scale of contribution to an autonomous budget, the conclusion and recommendations resulting from the second session of the Aquaculture Committee (CAQ) and the third session of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC). Activities carried out by the two supporting projects ADRAMED and COPEMED were also reviewed. The Commission agreed the Scale of Contribution which would be applicable to the GFCM autonomous budget once the Agreement entered into force. The Commission, while reviewing proposals on the Joint GFCM/ICCAT working groups on large pelagic fishes updated its past resolutions 95/1 and 97/3 and adopted two new resolutions 2000/1 and 2000/2 concerning the minimum size of bluefin tuna.