General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) - 7th session

8 March 2011 -10 March 2011

  PDF: English/French 

The Seventh Session of the Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) was held in the FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy, from 8 to 10 March 2011. The Session was attended by fifteen Members of the Commission. The Committee reviewed the activities and outcomes of the CAQ subsidiary bodies, namely the Working Groups on Marketing of aquaculture products, on Site selection and carrying capacity, on Sustainability in aquaculture, the Information System for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean Countries and the Coordinating Meeting of the Working Groups. The Committee reviewed also the main outcomes and the implementation of the projects in support to the CAQ activities. CAQ discussed on the main priorities issues of marine and brackish Mediterranean aquaculture and made overview of the research and development activities carried out by the countries. The Committee recommended that a sustainable reference framework for Mediterranean and Black Sea aquaculture should be established. It recommended also that specific regulations and the simplification of licensing procedures for aquaculture, e.g. “single windows or one-stop shop”, should be implemented. It formulated specific management advice on the implementation of Allocated Zone for Aquaculture (AZA) in the countries aimed at facilitating and developing aquaculture activities. CAQ also recommended the implementation of an environmental monitoring programme in the areas surrounding aquaculture activities. The Committee considered some amendments for the Recommendation GFCM/33/2009/4 on Reporting on Aquaculture Data and Information. It agreed upon the workplan for 2011 and it elected its new bureau.