General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Conclusions and recommendations of the Subregional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean (SRC-EM)

25 May, 2021 -27 May, 2021

Download the report (available only in English): PDF


The fourth meeting of the Subregional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean (SRC-EM) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries (SAC) was held online on 25–27 May 2021. The aims of the meeting were to: i) advance on the provision of advice on deep-water red shrimp in the eastern-central Mediterranean, ii) advance on the provision of advice on the state of round sardinella and provide insights into its management, iii) discuss the important topic of non-indigenous species and climate change in the subregion, iv) compile relevant information on the status of eastern Mediterranean fisheries and provide advice to the SAC, including on urgent actions towards sustainability and following the requests made by the Commission, v) identify priority topics for the subregion, including in relation to data collection, provision of advice and implementation of management measures, and vi) prepare a draft work plan to address priority issues for the consideration of the SAC.

The SRC-EM formulated a draft advice on issues related to fisheries in the subregion, including a summary of the status of the stocks, the assessment and management of deep-water red shrimp in the eastern-central Mediterranean, the assessment and management of round sardinella, the rekindling of work on NIS, the finalization of the work on a vulnerability assessment of Mediterranean fisheries to climate change in the eastern Mediterranean subregion including the rekindling of work on NIS and a detailed work plan in the 2021–2023 intersession. This report provides an outline of the conclusions and recommendations that were drawn during the meeting.