General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Report of the ninth meeting of the Working Group on the Black Sea (WGBS)

28 July, 2021 -30 July, 2021


Download the report (available only in English): PDF


The ninth meeting of the Working Group of the Black Sea (WGBS) took place online from 28 to 30 July 2021. The meeting reviewed the work carried out during the 2019–2021 intersession in relation to stock assessment, management of selected fisheries, data collection, small-scale fisheries as well as work on the interactions between fisheries and the ecosystem. It also discussed activities within the framework of the BlackSea4Fish project.

The WGBS formulated advice on: i) the implementation of the BlackSea4Fish project, ii) data collection and quality indicators, iii)the implementation of the Regional plan of action for small-scale fisheries, iv) the future approach for the provision of advice, v) the status of Black Sea stocks, with all main commercial stocks assessed being in overexploitation, uncertain, depleted or fluctuating around MSY; and vi) the management of priority species. Finally, the WGBS agreed upon its work plan for 2021–2023 in support of mid-term strategy activities that would be coordinated, among others, through the BlackSea4Fish project. The WGBS reconfirmed the existing bureau.