General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Report on the data preparation meeting for deep-water rose shrimp in geographical subareas 12 to 20

24 January, 2023 -26 January, 2023

Download the report (available only in English): PDF


The data preparation meeting for deep-water rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) in geographical subareas 12 to 20 was held online from 24 to 26 January 2023. The meeting was attended by 23 experts from eight Mediterranean countries and the GFCM Secretariat. Its main objective was to provide a platform to review, discuss and analyse input data in advance of the benchmark session foreseen on 20–24 February 2023. Stock units were discussed, as well as available data and the modelling frameworks to be used, and initial assessment trials were performed. Roadmaps for the work to be performed before the benchmark session were agreed upon and detailed.