General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Subregional Committee for the Central Mediterranean (SRC-CM)

17 April, 2024 -19 April, 2024

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The seventh meeting of the Subregional Committee for the Central Mediterranean (SRC-CM) was held at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy, in hybrid modality, on 17–19 April 2024. The aims of the meeting were to: i) compile relevant information on the status of central Mediterranean fisheries and provide advice to the Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries (SAC), including on urgent actions towards sustainability and following the requests made by the Commission, in particular with relation to demersal fisheries in the Strait of Sicily, deep-water red shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus) fisheries in the Strait of Sicily and the Ionian Sea, and common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the Mediterranean; ii) identify priority topics for the subregion, including with relation to data collection, the provision of advice and the implementation of management measures; and iii) prepare a draft workplan to address priority issues for consideration by the SAC. In particular, the SRC-CM formulated draft advice on issues related to fisheries in the subregion, such as the monitoring of central Mediterranean stocks and fisheries, including small-scale fisheries, the management of demersal fisheries in the Strait of Sicily, deep-water red shrimp fisheries in the Strait of Sicily and the Ionian Sea and common dolphinfish fisheries in the Mediterranean, as well as the identification of conservation priority areas hosting essential fish habitats (EFHs) and/or vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs), standardized scientific monitoring plans for fisheries restricted areas (FRAs) and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs). Stemming from discussions held during the meeting, the SRC-CM drafted a roadmap for a joint project to collect required scientific evidence to discuss long-term management measures for demersal fisheries in the Strait of Sicily. Finally, the workplan for 2024–2026 was discussed and agreed upon.