General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Working Group on Vulnerable Species (WGVUL)

16 April, 2024 -16 April, 2024

Download the report (available only in English): PDF


The Working Group on Vulnerable Species (WGVUL) was held in FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy, in hybrid modality on 16 April 2024. In order to provide advice to the twenty-fifth session of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries (SAC), the main objectives of the WGVUL 2024 were to discuss: i) conservation and mitigation actions in place to reduce the bycatch of vulnerable species and depredation, including technical, behavioural or spatio-temporal mitigation measures and fishing practices; ii) key elements towards the correct implementation of the actions foreseen in the Regional Plan of Action for Vulnerable Species (RPOA-VUL); and iii) the applicability of new technologies for monitoring and data collection covering both the incidental catch of vulnerable species and/or dolphin depredation, including eDNA, on-board cameras, drones and mobile applications. Participants applauded the numerous efforts underway in the region to enhance knowledge on the incidental catch of vulnerable species and dolphin depredation, stressing the importance to continue the implementation of existing monitoring programmes and the application of mitigation measures using the MedBycatch project as a guiding example. The group also agreed to further explore and implement, in conjunction with more traditional methodologies, innovative tools and techniques, such as the use of eDNA, not only to evaluate the biodiversity and the structure of the community in different Mediterranean and Black Sea areas, but also to better monitor incidental catch in fisheries, identify the presence of several sensitive or protected species including sharks and rays, and assess the reliability of the metabarcoding-based monitoring of catches. Highlighting the importance of synthesizing and sharing information on both incidental catch of vulnerable species and dolphin depredation, the group welcomed the proposal for the creation of an interactive regional platform on vulnerable species (under development and hosted by GFCM) to: i) share knowledge on existing research, pilot and studies in place; ii) share experiences on existing measures to mitigate the adverse impacts of fisheries on the incidental catch of vulnerable species (i.e. sea turtles, marine mammals, seabirds, elasmobranchs); iii) disseminate knowledge on vulnerable species (e.g. abundance and status, population structure and distribution) in the whole region; and iv) disseminate and exchange best practices and raise awareness among stakeholders. In parallel, the group agreed on the development and maintenance of a pan-Mediterranean and Black Sea multi-taxa database, building on the one developed under the MedBycatch project and hosted by the GFCM, to report data on incidental catch of vulnerable species and dolphin depredation. This database will be compatible with both the GFCM Data Collection Reference Framework (DCRF) and Data Collection Framework (DCF) of the European Union. Finally, the WGVUL discussed and proposed a 2024–2025 workplan for the consideration of the SAC.