General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Workshop on data collection and submission, including management of compliance-related information (WKDATA), with a focus on best practices for monitoring, control and surveillance of small-scale fisheries and recreational fisheries

18 March, 2024 -19 March, 2024

Download the report (available only in English): PDF


The Committee on Compliance (CoC) and Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries (SAC) joint workshop on data collection and submission, including management of compliance-related information (WKDATA), with a focus on best practices for monitoring, control and surveillance of small-scale fisheries and recreational fisheries, and notably catch declaration tools, was held online on 18–19 March 2024. The working group was attended by 89 experts from GFCM contracting parties and cooperating non-contracting parties (CPCs). The three sessions of the meeting reviewed the GFCM Data Collection Reference Framework (DCRF), including updates on tasks, manuals, online platforms and quality indicators. The FAO Calipseo system for managing national fisheries data was introduced, emphasizing efficient data collection and submission. Challenges in data submission and Stock Assessment Form (SAF) input data calls were also addressed. The workshop examined the management of compliance-related information, focusing on the clarification and identification process. A pilot phase for the voluntary submission of new tables by contracting and cooperating non-contracting parties was introduced, in line with recent GFCM recommendations. Methods for evaluating GFCM management plans and enhancing monitoring, control, and surveillance (MCS) tools to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing were also explored. The WKDATA highlighted best practices for MCS, particularly in small-scale and recreational fisheries. The WKDATA underscored the need for improved data management systems, enhanced compliance processes, and robust MCS practices. Participants provided actionable recommendations for future efforts and emphasized the importance of continued collaboration among stakeholders to ensure sustainable fisheries management in the Mediterranean.